Beaufort, SC
Here is a list of local Hams who have DMR radios along with their ID numbers in the event that someone would like to include the information in their code page. If you're not here and would like to be listed, please send the information to
3145096 KD4KOJ
3145352 KM4PHM
3145224 N4HEK
3145234 K3ZMD
3145237 N2EIO
3145240 KJ4BSM
3145241 KI4ROL
3145242 WA4MPZ
3145243 KK4GAB
3145295 W4LGR
3145324 KK4WTF
3145335 KB1CTC
3145338 W8QKO
3102903 K4DNY
3110886 KM4ZFZ
3145347 KF4F
3145353 KK4VHB
3145354 KJ4MOU
3145356 K3LLH
3145358 KB9LX
3145374 KG4MFV
3145375 KG4MFV
3145382 W3WOT
3145394 KI4HQ
3145421 AA4KK
3145436 N3DVQ
3145439 KB1BLB
3150733 AI4JA
3145575 W1WXS
3170475 KO4GWF
3170122 KO4GWY
3184824 W6HML
3198412 WB4EMD
3183279 W9JHM
3145506 W4BFT
3208856 KQ4TAY
3200332 KQ4NCP
3213097 KQ4SFF
Before you can transmit on the PRN system you will need to purchase a radio that is compatible with DMR. Below are links to some of the manufacturers, along with a links to some Amateur Radio friendly dealers. Make sure that the radio you purchase is able to be used in the Amateur Radio band. For example, some Motorola radios come in two band splits for UHF, 403-470 and 450-512 MHz. And while some sellers will tell you that you can use the higher split in the Amateur band, it is not an easy process. So, make sure to get a radio with the 403-470 MHz split so that it will transmit properly in the Amateur band.
While you are waiting to get your radio, you should request a Radio ID. Almost all DMR repeater owners throughout the world follow the DMR-MARC ID scheme, so you will want to get an ID from them. You may go to the following web page to request an ID:
When requesting an ID, use the name you want to show up in the Contact list of peoples radios. We also use your name as listed to load into the c-Bridge, so that is what shows up on the Last Heard list on this site. It is okay if it is a nickname, middle name, or shortened first name such as Bill instead of William, for example.
Once you receive your radio, you can then program your Radio ID into it. If you are not able to program your radio, feel free to contact us and we will make sure you can get your radio programmed. If you are able to program your radio, we suggest using one of the generic code plugs available in the Downloads section of this site to get you on the air quickly, and to use them as a guide to customize your radio to your liking. Remember: DMR HT's are unlike Ham HT's in that when you key the HT, you send a signal to the repeater and the repeater responds back to you to acknowledge you can transmit your message. If you do not receive the repeater's acknowledgement, your radio will stop transmitting and you will hear a negative confirmation tone.
Jim Gish
Thomas Kreutzer
Eddie King
Michael Jordan
David Jennings
Nicholas Horvath
Dave Sherron
Murray Baughman
Ryan Spoone
Larry Ross
John Tyler Smith
Jon Sinisi
Donald L Sealy
Dan McLaughlin
Robert Anderson
James Green
Warren Wilson
Joseph Zimmerman
Paul Grayce
James Campbell
Donald Robbins
Donald Robbins
Palmer Jones
Donald Barrett
Joe Oliver
Eileen Grayce
Sarah Grayce
Gary Nojd
L. Bradley
Charles Moore
Frank Duda
Hubie Lontz
Beaufort County EOC
John Montenigro
BRAG Trailer
Jarrod Andrews
Joe McDonald
Lynn Smith